Mental Health Awareness ~ Dana & Olaf
Dana & Olaf (Newfoundland/15 mos.), Buffalo Grove, Illinois
Olaf is my heart. At 15 months old, I can honestly say that he has saved me. It’s been a tough couple of years, but Olaf gives me a reason to get up in the morning and I cannot imagine a more precious gift than that. He learned “snuggles” before “sit,” and knew exactly what I needed the night that my little brother took his own life.
Olaf has been a rock for me and my mom, teaching us that it’s okay to laugh and play even when we’re sad. He makes us feel like a family again, even if half of our hearts are still missing. To me, Olaf is magic. He’s 130 lbs. of pure Newfie magic (and still growing). I can’t imagine my life without him. @olafthenewf
Dog Like Me shared Dana's story on May 16, 2020 -
May is Mental Health Awareness Month – especially during this global pandemic that we are all struggling with, we need to find ways to stay connected with friends and family. Social distancing can make this even harder. People affected by mental illness and their families need your support now, more than ever.
So please reach out to friends & family. Don’t assume that someone else is in touch with your family member or friend who may need to hear from you. Don’t worry about saying the “wrong” thing. Worry about saying “nothing” because nothing might seem like you don’t care. People who struggle with mental illness and those who are left behind need support now more than ever.
A warm smile or reassuring voice on the phone will make a difference. Just listening can change or save someone's life. You are not alone. Please contact National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800.273.8255, or NAMI at 800.950.6264